Monday, May 9, 2011

Life's a Journey

Well, it is "the week"... the week we fly out for our court date for b&b in Ethiopia.  The week we get to meet b&b.    I'm hoping and praying we pass court on the 16th ... and in that case, next week will be the week that we legally become a family of 9.  I like that! No, I love that!

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  I am so blessed to be the mom of my kiddos! It was a wonderful day - starting with breakfast in bed and beautiful cards and drawing for the kids.  This year was a new first for Zachary.  Yes, a first for my 16 year old ...  maybe "firsts" never end in life.  Zachary went out and bought a Mother's Day card without Ryan reminding him.  He was able to drive to the store, buy it and he gave it to me yesterday afternoon.  The handwritten "mommy" on the outside of the card was enough to make this emotional mom cry.  Then I opened it up and it made me laugh.  The girl's handmade cards were versed with warm and fuzzy "I love you mommy" poems and sayings.  They are so touching and show the beautiful hearts of my sweet girls.  The outside of Zachary's card said, "Mom, you've got that special something that makes you a great mother..."  The inside "A great kid - ME!"  I love that boy - and he is a great kid!

I'd be lying if I said I have not struggled this weekend.  I'm learning that the journey of adoption is really bittersweet.  My mind wondered many times to two little boys in Ethiopia, that have recently left the orphanage they have know for about a year, the nannies they have know for about a year, and have been moved to our agencies care center.  A new place for them - new people for them to see - new caregivers to take care of them - a different language for them to hear.  No mommy to be with them this Mother's Day.  .

Life is a journey!  I had a road that I journeyed down a few years ago.  It started in Sept of 2007.  I thought I finished that journey in May of 2008.  That Sept. I decided that I needed to physically "get healthy".  I lost about 80 pounds on that journey from Sept 07 - May 08.  I discovered that I am an emotional eater during that time and that I really had little self control in that area of my life.  I'm not proud to admit that, but that's what it was for me.  This last week has I feel like I've stepped back into old habits and ate everything in sight.  Yikes!  Why, not sure.  I know how much better I feel when I eat healthy.  I'm going to chalk it up to crazy emotions and move on in God's grace.  The whole thought process is so sad to me... I struggle with eating too much and their are others that do not have enough to eat to nourish their bodies.  I'm going to continue to walk down this journey of life ... and continue to be reminded the work in progress I am.

We are starting to count down when we board a plane for Africa in hours now. How exciting is that!   This is what we've been waiting for and I'm overjoyed that the time is here.  We will soon be on the other side of the world!  We will get to see the country we've grown to love- see b&b - hold them and tell them that we love them!


Anonymous said...

Rachael, I am so excited for you and your family. You are an amazing lady and a wonderful mom! God Bless you and your family on your new journey. Travel safe and God Bless, Amanda Marks

Carrie said...

Praying for you all Rachael! I know it is an exciting, yet an overwhelming time. Please give B & B extra hugs from their extended McThomas family back in MN!!! Take care! Love you all!